Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Sugar and Spice and Everything Nice
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
Fun Times In Louisiana!
The wedding was so sweet. They made sure their wedding was loaded with southern hospitality! Shane thoroughly enjoyed the fried catfish, and I was a big fan of the chocolate cheesecake! Here are a few pictures from the festivities:
This is JJ and Katie during a prayer....I guess it is safe to assume I didn't have my eyes closed...oops :-)
Here I am (well at least my back) with a group of our friends from Austin who also attended the wedding.
Congratulations JJ and Katie!!!
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
Now That's Style!
Kids are so precious. They don't know that you aren't supposed to mix browns and blacks, or that you shouldn't mix silk with cotton, and they practice what they preach...totally clashing clothes whenever they are in charge of what they wear :-) Today I received more compliments from my sweet kindgarteners than I have any other day of the year. I bet I had ten kiddos tell me, "Mrs. Walker, you look pretty today!" Wow, why in the world do I try so hard? All I really need to do I wear tons of jewelry, and throw in a few sequins here and there, and I am pretty :-) I did have a few tell me that I looked like a pirate and a hippy, but I will choose to focus on the pretty comments!