The last three weeks have been a whirlwind! You may have been wondering if I fell off the map, or just got annoyed with blogging.....but the truth is, the last three weeks have been CRAZY, and neither situation was the case :-)
It all began with having to move! Three weeks ago, I went into our apartment office to check on the status of a two-bedroom apartment that would be coming available in June....thinking I was being proactive and a good planner. Much to my surprise, they said we were "scheduled" to moved at the end of April. I quickly protested and informed them that the agreement was we would move in June. "No problem," the apartment manager smoothly responded. "I will just change the date." My heart, which was now in my throat began to move to its normal position until...."Hmmm" came out of the manager's mouth. She then proceeded to tell me they had already leased our apartment! "Well, great!" I'm thinking at this point! We are having a baby, and we are going to be homeless....I could feel myself getting a little light headed.
She could obviously tell I was very uncomfortable with the situation, so she "made me an offer I couldn't refuse," to borrow a line from The Godfather. She said if we were willing to move the next day (which was the Wednesday before Easter) and over the weekend, she could give us the two bedroom we wanted for just $50 more per month. I consulted my wise better half, and he agreed it would be stressful, but was a good deal. So the move began.
My amazing parents could sense the stress in my voice over the phone when I called to tell them we would be moving the NEXT DAY. With that, they decided to come "help" us move. I want to emphasize the word "help" here, because once they got to our apartment, they practically DID IT ALL! Can I just say how blessed I am to have such wonderful caring parents! Shane and I were so humbled by their servant attitudes. They worked while we were at work, and literally moved almost everything, and cleaned the old apartment, too (my dad is quite the carpet cleaner!) Wow, what an amazing gift!
I know it's a long story, but all of that was to say we haven't had internet for several weeks while we were waiting on our service to transfer. In addition, we have been busy with doctor's appointments and just general "busy-ness!"
On a high note, we did get to see our precious little one again on Tuesday (12 weeks), which made our week! This time our sweet baby's heart rate was 175...I think Baby Walker may be very energetic like its daddy :-) Here is the picture our little blessing! June 1st we find out what Baby Walker is!